Sunday, May 14, 2006

Epiphany...sort of.

Its been a little while since I last posted. I guess nothing eventful has really happened in the past week. I feel the usual mix of angst. However, as it was the last full weekend I had in college, me and my friends made the best of it and we've gone out two nights in a row. I stayed out late, and danced the night away at two clubs.

And it hit me, while I was dancing like a maniac with my best friends right in front of me, sweat dripping down my face, with some fantastic house music pulsating through the air... that I need to savor these small moments in life. They are small, they last just a few short minutes. But in these moments a small miracle happens. My worries go away, my fears dont exist. All that exists is me and my friends, my sweat and the music. I smile a real smile and its perfect, everything is fine, nothing else matters. I am okay- something I dont feel enough. I used to be unable to detach myself from the negative feelings that I always feel. But now I was able to forget them. I was able to live in the moment, even if it was for 3 minutes. And it felt great.

Obviously I am not the type to just forget about the future- I dont know if I'll ever be able to feel secure about my future- at least in the relatively near future. Right now I am worrying about many, many things- as usual. But I wont go into that. I'll leave on a more positive note, which is simply that for once- I felt great.


Megan Amazing said...

Sometimes the small moments are all we have. But you have the right idea (at least what has seemed to work for the past few years in my not-so-long-life). Keep your head up. Smile. Things will be o.k.

I think you're awesome for going through everything-I'm not mormon but most of my friends are. I know they're opinions on being gay, and its tough...Best of luck.

David Walter said...

It's great you felt great! You deserve it. I hope you have small moments more frequently.