Sunday, May 28, 2006


Remember my posts a while back about a friend of mine who I was having serious friendship issues with and who I was debating on telling her if I was gay because I thought it would hurt her too much?

Well. She knows. She sent me an e-mail after we graduated saying that she thinks its true that I have feelings for men. After spending a night in convulsions (shaking violently) from shock- after I read her e-mail, I knew I had to simply tell her. I tried to keep it short, to the point and on topic. My letter was 2 pages long.

She replied with a six page single spaced letter which I feel was more or less a guilt trip about how it was a mistake for me not to tell her about my sexuality. I never let her in, she couldnt be around or else I wouldnt be myself. OBVIOUSLY I CANT BE MYSELF WHEN SHE TELLS ME SHE 'LOVES' ME ALL THE DAMN TIME. AND IT NEVER SEEMED LIKE A FRIEND-LOVE. It ALWAYS felt like more than that. And it freaked me out. Who would feel comfortable around that all the time if they didnt have the same feelings? I hated hanging around her because I felt like her boyfriend, and inside it felt so wrong and twisted and messed up. She beamed when I was around and I did my best to smile and act happy.

I've been stewing over this letter. She wants back in my life, but honestly letting her back in -given a LONG LONG and dramatic history- is not really what I want to do. I could be friends with big limits. I dont know how I can open up to her again after I tried for over a year to make her open up to me- and she didnt. After that, I built up my own wall. Why should it come down? Because we were best friends 2 1/2 years ago? I feel like thats over and past, and she will not change, even though she said she didnt care I am gay etc. I feel like I need to run.... I just cant handle the drama, the need for attention. I dont know what to do. I dont want to break her heart again. But sometimes I feel like I just want out. I wish I were more selfish and that I didnt care as much as I do... that way I would have gotten out long ago. How do you know when to draw the line and say enough is enough?

Saturday, May 20, 2006


Today I graduated from college. The ceremony itself was nice, somewhat memorable which was good. I sat next to two good friends- S.M. & J.C. who I took many classes with over my years in college. Having my name called was such a blur. I remember a flash of light from the photographer, handing my name-card to the lady announcing the names, shaking a couple of peoples' hands, and receiving a nice pen. My family being as impatient as they are left the building right after they called my name. Maybe thats because all my other older siblings have done this before. Nothing too new.... haha.

4 years....gone by in a relative blink. Sometimes I think that its been a long time- sometimes it feels long. But it does feel like yesterday that I was just a puny freshman moving into my dorm. I've made amazing friends-plenty of them- and they are all great amazing people. I've had so much fun with them over the past few years. I am sort of lost without the idea that I will return back to my school in the fall. You sort of come into routines and start thinking you will go back every year. Unfortunately thats not the case for me. Time for some changes, new school apps, new decisions.

I've learned a lot in college. About psychology, journalism, art, and most of all, I've learned a lot about myself and of life. Yet the learning never ends. My grandma told me that this is just the beginning- there is so much more to learn. And I know she is right. I've been very blessed to have been able to learn all the things I've learned.

I've dealt with some big issues in life, and I continue (obviously) to deal with such issues...friends, family, school, jobs, sexuality. The illusion that I have of others is that since most others dont struggle with sexuality, they dont struggle at all. Or at least all of the struggles they do face are somewhat normal in relation to religion and society. But I know that's an illusion that I have- my way of telling myself that my problems are harder and worse than everyone elses. Perhaps thats a bad way to go about life; but sometimes it just tends to go that way.

Today during a dinner party celebration for my graduation, I took a small break from the crown and came here to my room to just breathe. I wound up crying a bit, thinking about the uncertainty, the confusion, and the sadness yet happiness of this milestone in my life. It should be a happy day, but its hard to be happy with so much swirling around in my head. I got several very nice gifts. From my relatives and I am very thankful for them. My mom wrote a little song & all of them performed it to Abba's 'waterloo' and danced around in our family room. That was great.

College, I am pretty speechless. It was a blur. Very blurry. But I know the good outweighed the bad by far. And thats what matters. I'll rememeber all of the late nights, the dancing, the laughing, the crying. The ungodly amounts of reading and studying. The papers, the roommates, the messes, the drama and the city. I'll cherish it all, because it was great. I'd make a few changes if I could do things over again, but nothing drastic just a thing here and there. So here I am, 4 years later, a graduate. You spend four years trying to pursue knowledge and truth. I am afraid to admit that I have not found 100 percent of either. No one has though. ;) Also note my imperfect use of commas.... I am too tired to care to use them :)

Wee! I Graduated :)

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Epiphany...sort of.

Its been a little while since I last posted. I guess nothing eventful has really happened in the past week. I feel the usual mix of angst. However, as it was the last full weekend I had in college, me and my friends made the best of it and we've gone out two nights in a row. I stayed out late, and danced the night away at two clubs.

And it hit me, while I was dancing like a maniac with my best friends right in front of me, sweat dripping down my face, with some fantastic house music pulsating through the air... that I need to savor these small moments in life. They are small, they last just a few short minutes. But in these moments a small miracle happens. My worries go away, my fears dont exist. All that exists is me and my friends, my sweat and the music. I smile a real smile and its perfect, everything is fine, nothing else matters. I am okay- something I dont feel enough. I used to be unable to detach myself from the negative feelings that I always feel. But now I was able to forget them. I was able to live in the moment, even if it was for 3 minutes. And it felt great.

Obviously I am not the type to just forget about the future- I dont know if I'll ever be able to feel secure about my future- at least in the relatively near future. Right now I am worrying about many, many things- as usual. But I wont go into that. I'll leave on a more positive note, which is simply that for once- I felt great.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Gay Party

Well.... my friend came back from italy, and his BF had a big party for him (although he told me he barely knew most of the people who were there...maybe more of an excuse to drink on Cinco De So I was invited to this party- fulllll of gay guys. there were tons, a few dozen in a small apartment; which made things nice and ...cozy. haha.

On the way there I was sooo nervous, not only to see my friend, but to be in an evironment where its more or less assumed that any guy there is gay. I had interesting fears/expectations; like that I would have my ass grabbed by drunk gay men, or that I'd get hit on and that I wouldnt know how to react or talk to anyone. Its stereotypical things like that, which I shouldnt have worried about, but I guess you cant help it when youre very new to the 'scene'. None of those things happened, as I found myself staying away from the main crowd, and its hard to socialize with tons of people who you've never met- all while not drinking. lol. Lots of cute guys though. I shouldnt have been so nervous, because under any other circumstance or situation I am very social, pretty outgoing and friendly. But this time I just retracted a bit. I guess nerves will do that to you.

Overall it was great to see my friend, I found that I really missed him a lot while he was away, and it will be great to hang out with him over the summer. I didnt 'meet' anyone- I think I was sending out 'dont touch' signals... I guess it takes time just to get comfortable in your own skin and not worry if someone might be attracted to you or vice versa what you will do. I felt comfortable but uncomfortable. Hard to explain, I guess??

A lot of guys talk about how they felt so comfortable the first times they hung out with gay guys etc. I cant say I share the same feelings- I felt nervous and I was so spastic. lol... shaking like a leaf sometimes.... oh well. You live and learn. No regrets today.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Yin and Yang

Today I finished my last exam, my last day of college. I am supposed to be happy, right? Relieved? lol. I feel anything but those things. Let me be very straightforward, very sarcastic: consider most of the following post a catharsis.

So yay..... I've finished four years of education...and what do I have to show for it? A degree in a major that I love but that will never get me a job. I have a lot of good friends, who I will miss. I have had majorly fun experiences. Laughing all night, clubbing, Saki, 1223, Home, Dream. I've had bad experiences- tears, worry and strain. I kinda figured out/ learned/ admitted that I'm gay. I've learned a good amount, but maybe its never enough. We never stop learning.

I've made my parents spend over $100,000 on an education. I drive a car worth over $40,000 dollars. I wear nice clothes, I can eat anything I want. (I am spoiled- but not snobby...) I'm relatively healthy. I have all of my limbs where they are supposed to be. My brain works (except in the neurotransmitter department).

I have everything and more, and its not enough. Am I really missing "love"? Or is that just some B.S. that I am telling myself that I need. I used to tell myself that I needed only me. I put up my walls and they worked fine. They worked perfectly. They kept the people out who needed to be kept out. The rest- friends, came in and there were no problems. I've opened myself to what? Stupid stupid things. Is it worth it to open myself like this? What the hell for? I dont need anyone but me.

Am I just trapped without any good option, so should I just cut my losses and take the lesser of the evils. And if so, which one is that? Why does it even matter that I'm gay. Who cares. Why should I care? Do I really need someone else to make me happy? I've gone this long. lets say 1/4th of my life, assuming i am lucky to live to 80.... whats the other 75% alone. lol. soon enough i'll be at 50% and then 75%....then my time will be up. I feel I want a distraction. Law school.... why not? At this point I am too tired to care. Who cares.

Who cares. Congrats. I'm graduating. Who cares.