Friday, April 28, 2006

The Future.

I have been SO busy with school work over the past weeks...this trend will continue for the next week. And then a couple of weeks after that, I will graduate from college...

...and then. My life will be at a place where I just dont know. And I am afraid, and I am worried, and I don't want to make the wrong decision... i have about 10 career paths in mind and in my head and I cant seem to make up my mind. For once in my life I dont have a plan. I dont know if that is a good thing or a bad thing. I have been too tired, too anxious and afraid to make a decision. I would be good at almost anything I set my mind to... so why am I so afraid? I may or may not come out to my parents in the relatively near future. I may or may not apply to law school. I may or may not find a guy to date this summer. I may or may not apply to graduate school in psychology. I may or may not get a job this year.

What do I do
When I dont know
What I want to do?
I've forgotten
What I want
And I dont remember
What or who
I am anymore.


David Walter said...

First, just savor your graduation from college. It's a momentous occasion!

Then, after graduation, chill out for a while. Decompress a bit so you can make decisions in a state of mind not clouded by fear and anxiety.

And don't fall into the "wrong decision" trap. If you make a decision to go in one direction, and later change your mind and go in another direction, and later still change your mind again and go in a third direction, then that's fine. You'll at least be on the move, and picking up valuable life experience as you go.

You don't have to have your future figured out at age 21 (or however old you are). For that matter, you don't have to have your future figured out at age 50.

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el veneno said...

Hey from someone at pretty much the point, good luck! I just graduated too and accepted a job in Salt Lake not before graduation. I really wish I could have just graduated and decompressed like Dave Walter suggested but then I was just worried, you know, we always want to have plans and know what's coming next.
Life works out. If you're still without commitments, take advantage and travel and spend time with friends and watching DVDs of all the TV series you missed in college and stuff.
Best of luck to you.