Thursday, December 01, 2005

The Irony!

So, there is a very attractive boy in one of my classes.... and part of our class is that at the end we have a debate about the class subject matter....

So the class was split into two- and as luck would have it, he is in the large group that I am in. But there's more..... there are sub groups within the group. Groups of two and three. Well, as luck would ALSO have it he got put into MY group after I thought it would be just this other girl and me.... but the next day I come into class, and group lists were handed out, and what do I see, but "__john__ __doe__" listed in my group. I immediately flip out.... I actually have to talk to him.... so I did talk to him, and he actually knew my name, which was a surprise-- I was introducing myself and he got to my name before I did. But then when I was talking to him I was nervous and jittery. Couldnt talk at least I was able to look into his eyes/ lock a glance with him when I talked to him. Very very nice eyes. Very nice everything, really.

The thing is, this would not be a big deal were it not for a few things:

-I think I have seen him looking at me during class.
-I think he has seen me looking at him during class.
-I'm sure he's gay as well. (I have my sources ;) ).

So I am sort of embarassed. Because now i have to talk to him. And he knows (probably) that i've checked him out in class.... STUPID STUPID STUPID me... lollll.... oops.

This is ironic because I foresaw this happening. It would only happen to someone as lucky is me. lol.... I WORRIED that this would happen. And then I was relieved. And then I was shown who's boss: Me, or Chance. Chance & Irony won.


meg said...

You know, the only way to find out if he really is gay is get him drunk and naked!

Just kidding. The worst thing that can happen if you ask him is that he'll say he's straight. Deep down, however, he'll be curious that another guy thinks he's hot/has checked him out.

elbow said...

Wow, I feel what you are going through.
Having feelings like this is not easy, especially when you have to confront someone's sexuality.
I wish you luck. I hope he reveals that he has a secret crush on you and that he wants to confide in you that he is gay.
I am going to keep reading your blog for that entry. Good luck.

Bytheway, you blog is very important to read. I have enjoyed it and feel close to what you are saying. I know that it's not easy, but hang in there. You are doing what is right.