Friday, March 17, 2006

A Trip!

After a long absence I am back! I was in FL, at the beach for spring break. It was good, except I got sick (flu) and am still recovering from it. Needless to say it was a great break just to be away from everything for a few days....

One thing I did notice, was that I really wasnt 'confused' anymore when seeing people, in terms of attraction. It felt so much better to just feel attraction to guys and not worry about the rest. Girls were there, plenty of beautiful ones, but I could calmly look at them and see that I was not really interested. Period. It was not some big vacillating decision of 'am I attracted to you or not'? Maybe it helped that there were a HERDS of young guys (my age) from colleges in FL that apparently go to the gym a lot.... all of them had such great bodies. lol.... yummy, is all I have to say. was nice to start feeling that I am more comfortable with it, I feel sort of better that I've stopped fighting it I guess. That doesnt mean I'm gonna go off and start hooking up with tons of people (or anyone) for that matter, but it does make me feel better that I am okay with being gay. It really is an improved state of being.

Current mood: relieved.


el veneno said...

Florida?!? I'm so jealous. Utah is all cold again...
Glad you're feeling ok about things. Girls are beautiful but dudes are hot. I don't see any problem with looking and appreciating that.

Dave said...

Glad you had a fun trip!

David Walter said...

Nice to know that you're doing well and that you had a good trip.

Most of my memories of Ft. Lauderdale during college spring break are beer-related.

Gay Mormon said...

I'm so glad you had a great trip! I was worried you had dropped off the face of the earth. Good to hear from you again.