Sunday, March 19, 2006


It appears my period of relief was relatively short lived. I mean, everything I said in my last post is true, I'm still much less confused, but....still confused and sad and angry in other respects. I know I should probably see a therapist, I believe in therapy, but there are getting money to pay for it from my parents, and trying to avoid their questions regarding that...

But the major issue today and yesterday was my general feelings of anger. The majority of days I am okay now, I dont know if I use "ok" a little too generously here, but alas, its the word I will choose. Anyway, I usually feel okay, or blah enough that I just dont care, or that the general feeling of negativity that I have is not above its baseline threshold. But yesterday I was angry. I drove around in my car, driving way too fast, listening to a good song that goes:

I dont wanna hear,
I dont wanna know,
Please don't say you're sorry,

I've heard it all before,
And I,
Can't take it anymore.

Thats "Sorry" by Madonna. How appropriate....a Madonna song that describes my feelings. I seem unable to get out of this angry place, or the sad place. I am so stuck... but sometimes I am not. Sometimes I have fleeting moments where I feel that I will be okay, and that I have to make it okay. I have the power, I tell myself. Then there are the low moments where I think about guns, knives, or car accidents that would all lead to my demise.

I wonder if God even cares that I feel this way. Or the millions of other people that are in my shoes. So many of them have it worse than I do. I dont understand how this 'organization' that is supposed to represent the church- and more importantly- GOD- can cause me and so many others so much pain. Its mindboggling pain.... how is that okay with God?

My mom asked me to go to church this morning. "Aren't you gonna get up and go to church?" I didnt reply. I just laid in bed, silent. "I guess not," she said as I heard her heels click down the hallway. I am tired of dissappointing her. I wish I could go and be happy there. I wish I could go and feel like I am not being chased by all these people who want me to do this and that and who want to check up on me and make sure I'm not 'slipping' away. I havent gone to church all year long... I am too tired. I am disappointed in myself. I always tell myself, I'll go next week, next week... and I wake up and I am too sad, or too tired to even bother. It's a lot to handle. Isnt it? Or am I just being a baby?

I wish I could just tell my mom. I wish I could tell her and not feel like I'd be bringing her as low as I am now. But my mom is broken. Just like I am broken. Except she has been broken for years. I dont want to pulverize the pieces she is in to dust. And I dont get it. She is such a good woman. The church promises some happiness if you follow...and she follows. And where is her happiness? Maybe its just a BS Promise. I dont know. If I felt like she could handle it, I would tell her more readily. But maybe she can and I am not giving her enough credit for 20 years of depression.

Maybe I am a recovering mormon. Maybe there's no need for me to try to reconcile mormonism and homosexuality. Maybe I should just move on. I am not really sure what I should do. Sometimes I wonder why I am so worried about probably not being a part of a church that has made me sad my entire life. No joke, I can nary remember one happy memory from church. Maybe there are a couple, but nothing earth shattering. On the whole church from the beginning of my life, till now, has been a very disappointing and saddening experience. Maybe I have made it that way. Perhaps I didnt try hard enough. But look at my mom, she spent her whole life making the pursuit of happiness through the church, and it hasn't brought her much happiness either.

I was talking with a friend about me a week or so ago, and I told her how it felt for me to come to all of these realizations. How I felt, how I feel, as my own world came caving in on me: It's like someone has unzipped me, from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet. All of me and everything has spilled outside onto the ground. Much of me has ended up down the drains, past the point of recovery. I will have to replace those parts. I will have to zip myself up again, make myself whole. I'll replace my kidneys, my bowels, my bellybutton must go in its proper place again. I'll reassemble my ribs and my arms and legs. My legs are still a little intact because I am still running. One day I'll have my heart set right where it should be, right in my chest, a little off center, a little to the left side. And when I'm all zipped up again, I will hopefully carry a smile that is real. I will feel again.


David said...

Everyone has to find their own path and their own happiness. I think you are on your way to finding yours, just keep learning and feeling.

David Walter said...

Listen: You've GOT to see a therapist. The anger, the sadness, the tiredness, and other issues -- you need to start overcoming them, and you need help to do that.

Your school probably offers behavioral health services. If you go to GW, click here. If you go to Georgetown, click here. If you go to another university, go to that school's home page and do a search for "health."

Click here for the D.C. gay paper's classified ads related to counseling resources.

And, incidentally, click here for the home page of a D.C. gay men's social/discussion group catering to guys in their 20s.

If you don't want your parents to know initially that you're seeing a therapist, then don't tell them. And don't worry about finding the money to pay for the therapy.

Your health insurance probably covers psychotherapy. Call the insurance company and ask. If you're a dependent on your parents' plan, ask the insurance company rep if the "report to member" (or whatever your company calls it) for your healthcare services can be suppressed from mailing or mailed to a different address.

Know this: If money is an issue, then I'll front the funds to pay for therapy. So you have no excuse for putting it off.

Now get clicking on those links and making some calls or I'll come out there and kick your ass. And don't think I won't do it; my therapist and I haven't resolved my anger or impatiency issues yet...

dmwalter01 at gmail dot com

Dave said...

I can understand that you don't want to disappoint your mom, but you can't worry forever about hurting your mom, you need to live your own life and tell her why you've been feeling down and why you don't want to go to church anymore. The sooner she knows the sooner you can start feeling better and the sooner she can get used to the idea.

RP said...

I can relate to how you are feeling right now. I haven't attended church regularly for over a year now. Stepping into an LDS church brings pain and anger. Seeing my parents disappointment also brings the same feelings.

Just know that you aren't alone in this situation. Telling your parents that you don't believe in something that is at the core of their beliefs and identities can one of the hardest things in the world. Telling your mother how you feel is a step, whether or not it is the right one is up to you.

-L- said...

I was in DC recently and thought of you. Your blog is so dramatic and very emotional. You're very expressive and talented.

I'm sorry I don't have any advice or support to offer. Sometimes I wish I could just reach through the internet and just be there.

Thanks for the post.